Skin/ Body Care

Body acne - why don't we talk about this? - Curl Cure

Body acne - why don't we talk about this?

Body acne often occurs in areas that can get oily, like the center of the chest and upper back. Higher oil levels make an ideal environment for bacteria to grow,...

Body acne - why don't we talk about this?

Body acne often occurs in areas that can get oily, like the center of the chest and upper back. Higher oil levels make an ideal environment for bacteria to grow,...

Check Out These Six Different Types Of Clay For Skin! - Curl Cure

Check Out These Six Different Types Of Clay For...

I have heard of clays when I was a kid, back then it was just mud I used to make humans figures with! Apparently as we grew up we learnt...

Check Out These Six Different Types Of Clay For...

I have heard of clays when I was a kid, back then it was just mud I used to make humans figures with! Apparently as we grew up we learnt...