5 ways to give your skin a break - Curl Cure

5 ways to give your skin a break

Just because you must put some effort into your skincare routine doesn't mean it has to be overly complicated, with dozens of steps and different products! Inari Naturals, in fact, makes it completely simple and realistic for you to take proper care of your skin without breaking your bank. While every skincare routine should include six key steps, we take it a step further by expertly combining them to make your skincare regimen simpler and more effective than ever.

Our skin / body care is as important as our face/hair care routine. So, when you think of wearing a sleeveless outfit or a backless top do you not worry about your tan or dull, dry skin etc.  Using high quality good products helps give your skin a healthier look, makes it hydrated and glowing. It removes dead skin, clears pore and reduces tan. And you don't need to have a 100 different ones for this, using a few multi-purpose products does it for you!

Here are some of our best body care products for healthy skin:

  1. Body Scrub: https://curlcure.com/collections/body-care/products/body-scrub-100-natural-detan - Made with wonderful ingredients like Aloe vera, Almond, Cocoa and Walnuts! This exfoliating scrub helps remove dead skin and clear your skin pores. The de-tanning mask reduces pigmentation and nourishes your skin with various vitamins. It also helps reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and appearance of scars.


  1. Body Ubtan- https://curlcure.com/collections/body-care/products/body-ubtan-100-natural-with-goodness-of-turmeric - Ubtan is ancient India's secret, made with multiple organic skin healthy ingredients like Turmeric, Ubtan and Rose etc. these body loving items bring a soft natural glow to your skin. Promoting skin hydration and rejuvenation for your body, reducing pigmentation this Ubtan is your ‘must have’.


  1. Underarm Detox Mask- https://curlcure.com/products/underarm-detox-mask?_pos=2&_sid=4b2dc5ab4&_ss=r - Don’t we all deal with  either dark underarms, maybe some odor issues or irritation from wearing alcohol rich perfumes. This mask is made for you. Made with multiple clays like pink and chocolate clay, it helps hydrate and gives a refreshing feel to them. Pink clay makes your skin look young and improves skin elasticity! If you love wearing scents as much as us, it also helps increase the effectiveness of natural deodorant.


  1. Almond Oats Foot Ubtan: https://curlcure.com/products/almond-oats-foot-ubtan?_pos=4&_sid=4b2dc5ab4&_ss=r - Your feet are the most used part of your body, especially if you are always on your feet! And just like your nails do, they need some TLC too! Getting a pedicure is your best bet and doing it at home saves your money and time too. Use our foot Ubtan to give those feet a hydrated and healthier look ! Remove dead cells and toxins and reduce tan! Pedicure now easy to do at home!


  1. Aloe vera gel: https://curlcure.com/collections/offers/products/organic-aloe-vera-gel-for-hair-and-skin-200ml?_pos=1&_sid=6e21a8f3f&_ss=r - The all in one aloe vera gel is a multipurpose ingredient, make masks with easy homemade ingredients, apply generous layers of it as it is , add to our masks etc. We have 2 blogs on our page dedicated to 30 aloe vera mask that are easy to make!  Aloe vera is great for our skin and helps reduce tan, soften, and hydrate them! 


These are 5 easy things you can do to give your skin an easy refreshing break every week! End your week with a self-care sunday using organic, naturally made products! Order your self-care sesh now! Taking care of your body both internally and externally are equally important, stick to this regularly and get a smooth, glowing skin every day!

Happy curling!

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