Herbal Hibiscus Powder! - Curl Care

Herbal Hibiscus Powder!

Who would have guessed that hibiscus powder has so many undiscovered beauty benefits and applications? This tropical plant is one of our favorite ingredients for maintaining the health of our skin and hair. Our hibiscus powder is of deep red color that is made from Hibiscus Roselle Petals (Hibiscus sabdariffa). Hibiscus, one of the most potent anti-aging plant actives, has a magical reputation for increasing skin elasticity and providing a stunning natural youth boost. Hibiscus actively fights the aging process by firming and lifting your skin by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme elastase, which is responsible for breaking down our skin's precious elastin. Some have even compared hibiscus' elastin and collagen-producing properties to those of Botox, as hibiscus can leave skin refreshed and more supple over time.

Let’s take a look at the benefits of using Hibiscus powder:

  1. Hibiscus can promote an overall fresher, younger, smoother looking complexion, not just age spots.
  2. Hibiscus' natural acids help to purify your skin by breaking down dead skin and increasing cell turnover; they can also help to control acne breakouts.
  3. The antioxidants in hibiscus powder also help to reduce skin inflammation caused by acne or other skin problems.
  4. Helps increase hair growth, supports premature greying of hair and reduces hair fall
  5. Hibiscus helps to speed up cell turnover, resulting in a more even looking skin tone.
  6. These nutrients also help prevent premature hair gray and can be used as a natural dye with henna powder.
  7. Hibiscus powder acts as a mild scalp scrub and since it has antimicrobial properties, it can help reduce dandruff and itchiness from your scalp.


So how can you use it for your skin and hair in the form of easy DIY masks? Well, here are some for you:

  1. Skin: Exfoliating Face Mask- Mix ½ tbsp each of hibiscus powder, oats and raw honey along with some water. Let it sit on your face for 5-10 minutes and then gently massage it in circular motions with wet hands. Do not massage if you have active acne. Rinse and pat dry. Use twice a week
  2. Skin: Tan removal Bath Powder: Mix equal parts of hibiscus powder, kaolin clay and gram flour and activate with water or any brewed tea. Massage it on damp body skin instead of soap during shower thrice a week. Rinse and moisturize
  3. Hair: Potion for breakage prone hair: Mix hibiscus powder with the oil and massage into the hair to get its benefits. Jojoba oil can penetrate deep into the hair shaft to strengthen and moisturize.
  4. Hair: Nourishing hair pack: Mix 1 tbsp hibiscus powder & 1 tbsp Amla Powder in warm water. Add 2-3 tablespoons of Kalonji Oil to it and some more water to make a thin paste. Apply it all over your scalp and hair. Leave it for 30 minutes and then shampoo. 
  5. Skin: Hydrating Body Scrub: Mix granular sugar, honey and hibiscus powder together to create a hydrating scrub that’ll slough off dead skin while leaving parched skin moisturized. Apply the scrub to damp skin in the shower, massaging it in with gentle circular motions.

Our Hibiscus Powder is made with natural Hibiscus flowers of the best quality and bottled without any additions of chemicals.  We have a variety of masks and scrubs on our page that have this powerful ingredient! They cover all your bases, from skin to hair and are ready to use. So, if you don’t want the hassle of creating these masks, get yourself our products now! Hibiscus Powder is a multi-faceted ingredient that we must have in our skincare stash because you don’t know when it will come to your rescue. 

Hibiscus Powder: https://www.curlcure.in/productirani/hibiscus-powder-100-natural 

Try out these DIY masks and tell us what you think! We have also linked our other Ingredient Glossary blogs because it is important to know what you use for your skin! And because we love you all so much there are DIY recipes in them too! Happy Curling!

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